The world is a strange place. It’s a place where freedom is an illusion. It’s a place designed for you to walk the line, do what everybody else does, keep yourself safe, and think within certain boundaries! It’s designed for you to think small and “live within your means”! When you want more, you are known as either selfish or arrogant for thinking you could do more!
The world has also taught us to make things harder for ourselves. We complicate everything. It’s a perception that unless it’s hard and we achieve the hard – it’s not an achievement at all. This makes us overthink everything and make it so difficult for ourselves that it leads to overwhelm and procrastination.
Only 5% of the business owners break through this conditioning, or barriers—whatever you’d like to call it! They dream bigger and design their lives in such a way that they achieve those dreams. They are persistent, and they have the capacity to block out the noise around them and just pursue what they want.
According to statistics, in Australia, 20% of new businesses will fail within the first year, and up to 60% will not survive beyond 5 years of launching! Is it because business is hard, or is it because people complicate it for themselves? Is it because they don’t know how to do it, or they are simply not disciplined enough to show up for themselves, follow the process and DO THE WORK?
At some point, we’ve all been here. Me included! Maybe you are still here fighting to open the door and get to the other side.
Stop and think! Have you been following a process? Where are you in this process? What do you need to do to open that door? What needs to happen before you open that door? If you don’t have answers to these questions, it’s time to rethink your strategy.
Business doesn’t have to be hard! Think of it as a series of sequential steps taken to achieve your goals.
At Shruti Mouli Coaching, we take our clients through 7 steps to actualise their vision.
Step 1: Understanding your purpose—How it affects you and the people you help! Step 2: Your Ethos—Who are you, and what do you stand for?
Step 3: Your Vision—What do you want, and when do you want it?
Step 4: Structure—Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Technology strategies to support you in getting to your vision.
Step 5: Roadmap and Measurement—Adding success metrics to each step so you know when you have succeeded.
Step 6: Leadership and Teams—Leadership capabilities within your business and the roles and skillsets needed within your team.
Step 7: Growth and Scaling—Building systems to support you in building a profitable and sustainable business.
You too simplify your business and follow this structured approach. You will increase your profitability, work lesser hours, and build a powerful team around you! Dig deep into these 7 steps and apply it immediately in your business.
Register Now for a FREE 1hr hands on workshop on 2 Nov on Zoom. Every attendee will walk away with resources to answer all the above steps.
Success is 80% strategy, 20% skill. – Jim Rohn